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TB outdoor knives

TB outdoor knives


Tarrerias-Bonjean (TB) has been based in the Thiers region of France since 1648. The company's tradition and expertise in high quality cutlery is no secret, as it began working with the French Army in 1996 to develop tools for military use.
The Bivouac® met these requirements by becoming the soldier's kit from 1996 to 2001. It was replaced by the Baroudeur® from 2001 to 2017. This was followed by the Protecteur®, a symmetrical-edged dagger selected to equip Army Light Aviation personnel.

In 2018, the C.A.C® (Combat Assistance Campagne) developed with the participation of military expert Philippe PEROTTI will replace the famous Baroudeur®.
The Ministry of Defence will once again be relying on Tarrerias-Bonjean (TB) to supply the French Army with its new field knife, featuring a reliable and robust mechanism and benefiting from all the latest technologies.
TB's history has continued along the same path since 1996, and its collaboration with the French army has a bright future ahead of it.
